A talk at Wales’ first science park

Land Studio’s Lisa Sawyer and Rachael Fenton gave a talk this month on how the integration of SuDS and good landscape design can enhance biodiversity and help to create a sense of place.

The presentation, which took place at M-SParc in Anglesey, Wales’ first science park, also touched on the SAB process in Wales which ensures that drainage proposals for all new developments of at least two properties or over 100m² of construction area are designed and built in accordance with the national standards for sustainable drainage.

Rachael, a BwN Assessor, also discussed the Building With Nature accreditation and the multiple benefits of getting it at an early stage in a project. 

  • For more information about Building With Nature and how it could help your project, or to have a chat with Lisa, who heads up our Civil Engineering division, please get in touch. Email lisa@landstudio-uk.com or rachael@landstudio-uk.com


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