our latest thoughts and wanderings
A podcast with Lisa
Lisa has just done a podcast with Material Source about the built environment.
Land Studio’s Kate to swim Coniston Water for North Wales charity
Kate is in training to swim a gruelling 5.25 mile open water swim from the top to the bottom of Coniston Water in the Lake District this month.
The cycling landscape architect
Landscape architect Matt Northall has set off on his epic cycle ride around the perimeter of Wales.
A year in the life of Lisa
Land Studio’s Director of Civil Engineering and Sustainable Drainage Systems Lisa Sawyer joined the team a year ago. Here she looks back over her first year and chats about the months ahead.
Land Studio's Kate Richards appointed new Chair of Landscape Institute Wales
The organisation works with its members to protect, conserve and enhance the natural and built environment for the public benefit.
Do you have an issue with flooding?
We can retrofit sustainable drainage system (SuDS) to help reduce flooding, remove discharge of surface water to the public sewer systems and reduce pollution to the environment.
We’ve been working on our Environmental creds
We’re coming up with lots of interesting ways we can do our bit for climate change.
Are you ready for biodiversity net gain legislation?
New legislation is on its way this November which will have an impact on new development.
We’re proud to be part of UK Landscape Architects Declare
Land Studio is one of a number of landscape architecture practices in the UK who have committed to the movement.
Planning permission secured for a National Trust project in the Lake District
Planning permission has been granted for one of our projects with the National Trust in the Lake District to improve the visitor experience at the popular Fell Foot Park, on the shores of Lake Windermere.
A talk at Wales’ first science park
Land Studio were invited to give a talk at M-SParc in Anglesey, Wales’ first science park, on how the integration of SuDS and good landscape design can enhance biodiversity and help to create a sense of place.
We're working with a number of schools to reduce flooding and boost biodiversity
Land Studio is working with a growing number of schools in Wales helping them with their water management and flooding issues.
Bio-diversity Net Gain - do you know how it will affect you?
How will the new Biodiversity Net Gain legislation affect your project?