our latest thoughts and wanderings
How we help the planning process
Find out why our thorough landscape design reports often accompany landscape proposals submitted as part of a planning application.
Working with the National Trust
We’re working on a new project with the National Trust at Sizergh Castle in Cumbria.
Our education work
We’re working on the design and access for a proposed £11m development at an outdoor education and specialist college in Cheshire.
Landscape design at Wrexham University
We have provided the landscape design for Wrexham University’s new Enterprise Engineering and Optics Centre on their Plas Coch campus and helped in the coordination of biodiversity assessments.
Building with Nature: What are the updates to the Planning Policy Wales, and how do they affect my project?
Here’s the changes made to the Planning Policy Wales and how they might affect your project
Julia Bradbury book review
We’ve been reading Julia Bradbury’s new book about the importance to our health and wellbeing about connecting with nature.
What did you spot on your commute to work this morning?
How Land Studio’s Director of Ecology Val Gateley commutes to Chester from his home in West Lancashire and stays connected to nature during his drive in.
Planning permission secured in Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Good to work with the team at Savills on a holiday park project in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on Anglesey.
Land Studio in new issue of the Environment Journal
We’ve written a feature for the Environment Journal about how Land Studio is using nature-led design in the schools we work with in Wales.
Simon's article for the Design Commission for Wales
Land Studio founder Simon Richards has written an article for the Design Commission for Wales on the importance of creating a wilder network of green spaces to help unlock the future of our towns and cities.
A whirlwind of school visits
We’ve been asking school children in Cheshire and North Wales what they would like to see from a landscape perspective when it comes to creating new environments for them to learn in.
Land Studio disappointed by Government's BNG delay to 2024
It was revealed earlier today that the Government is delaying putting the new Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) laws into force this November.
Meet our Director of Ecology
A Q&A with our Director of Ecology Val Gateley and our new service offering.