our latest thoughts and wanderings
Project focus: abermaw viaduct, wales
We’re working with Gwynedd Council to design the Public Realm for the Viaduct Gardens in Barmouth, in Wales.
Simon's article for the Design Commission for Wales
Land Studio founder Simon Richards has written an article for the Design Commission for Wales on the importance of creating a wilder network of green spaces to help unlock the future of our towns and cities.
A whirlwind of school visits
We’ve been asking school children in Cheshire and North Wales what they would like to see from a landscape perspective when it comes to creating new environments for them to learn in.
Funding available for innovative solutions to sustainable drainage in Wales
Ask us about a grant scheme which is available to support the development of small-scale, retro-fit, sustainable drainage solutions in Wales.
Matt's cycling trip of Wales
Matt’s diary of his nine days cycling over 740km around Wales.
Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing are two important factors that have a major influence on our landscape design work. Here our team share what they love to do to relax outside of the office.
Landscape strategy for Anglesey house
Planning permission has been granted for a replacement dwelling in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Wales with the help of our formal landscape and visual appraisal.
Planning permission granted for specialist school
Planning permission has been granted for a new Additional Learning Needs school in Powys for which Land Studio has designed a landscape concept.
A Victorian garden project
Our masterplan design for a client’s Victorian villa garden in Wales.
Nature at heart of new school
A new school project in Wales has given us the opportunity to put nature at the very heart of the development.
A memorial garden in Wales
Land Studio designed a memorial garden to honour the memory of a North Wales resident.
New outdoor play spaces for Welsh school
A primary school in Wales challenged Land Studio to help them create a better play space for their children. They wanted to transform a cluttered play space with ad hoc playing equipment and disconnected play areas into a new exciting space for their pupils. We were delighted to help.