our latest thoughts and wanderings
Launch of our new Building with Nature accreditation service
Land Studio now offers a Building with Nature accreditation, the UK’s first green infrastructure benchmark.
Biodiversity and why it is the future
Welcome to the new King and the start of a new era with nature at its heart.
Podcast Lisa
What’s the link between landscaping and civil engineering? Lisa explains all on a podcast.
Permission secured for Shropshire caravan park
Planning permission for an extension to a caravan park in Shropshire with the help of our detailed visual appraisal.
Our work with holiday parks
We are working with caravan parks, holiday parks and leisure sites across the country to help them to enhance their settings.
Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing are two important factors that have a major influence on our landscape design work. Here our team share what they love to do to relax outside of the office.
Kate's book reviews
Associate Landscape Architect Kate Richards reviews two inspiring landscaping books.
Why SuDS are the future of good landscape design
At Land Studio we believe that sustainable drainage systems, or SuDS, are the future of good landscape design.
There is no Planet B
Land Studio Director Lisa Sawyer has reviewed the book There is no Planet B by Mike Berners-Lee
Nature led design
Why we, as a team of landscape architects and civil engineers, believe that nature led design is so important.
An ecological look at New York
Land Studio’s Assistant Landscape Architect Matthew Reece has reviewed the book Gotham Unbound by Ted Steinberg.
Launch of Land Studio's new Civil Engineering division
Our new service furthers our nature led design approach and offers our clients drainage design and water management systems in-house.
A talk to Landscape Institute Wales
Why we believe that landscape architects as a profession need to be more vocal.
About Lisa
Land Studio Director Lisa Sawyer, who heads up our new civil engineering division, talks about what drives her.