our latest thoughts and wanderings
How we help the planning process
Find out why our thorough landscape design reports often accompany landscape proposals submitted as part of a planning application.
Land Studio in new issue of the Environment Journal
We’ve written a feature for the Environment Journal about how Land Studio is using nature-led design in the schools we work with in Wales.
A whirlwind of school visits
We’ve been asking school children in Cheshire and North Wales what they would like to see from a landscape perspective when it comes to creating new environments for them to learn in.
Meet our Director of Ecology
A Q&A with our Director of Ecology Val Gateley and our new service offering.
Land Studio launches new Ecology design and management division.
Land Studio’s new Ecology service will offer clients a wide range of ecological services including Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessments in support of their projects.
A podcast with Lisa
Lisa has just done a podcast with Material Source about the built environment.
Do you have an issue with flooding?
We can retrofit sustainable drainage system (SuDS) to help reduce flooding, remove discharge of surface water to the public sewer systems and reduce pollution to the environment.
We’re proud to be part of UK Landscape Architects Declare
Land Studio is one of a number of landscape architecture practices in the UK who have committed to the movement.
Planning permission secured for a National Trust project in the Lake District
Planning permission has been granted for one of our projects with the National Trust in the Lake District to improve the visitor experience at the popular Fell Foot Park, on the shores of Lake Windermere.
We're working with a number of schools to reduce flooding and boost biodiversity
Land Studio is working with a growing number of schools in Wales helping them with their water management and flooding issues.
Our heritage and visitor destination work
Why the Land Studio team loves designing within historic places around the country.
Taking a nature led approach can stop ‘insipid’ developments
How taking a nature led approach can stop ‘insipid’ developments from being built.
More needs to be done to help people access nature
Why we think the Environment Secretary’s pledge to create more green spaces and enhance bio-diversity is not enough.
Sustainable drainage systems and what it means to you
A short guide to SuDS and the upcoming legal changes.